Hims - Ancient Islamic city

Hims - Ancient Islamic city

Hims is a blessed city where the glory and spirit of pure Islam shines forth.  The area now known as Homs is located between Aleppo and Damascus in Syria.  Hims is as old as history because of the combination of fertile soil, abundant water and favorable climate.  It is the confluence of many civilizations at different times and has undergone many different cultural transformations and civilizational changes. Hims: Ancient Islamic city

The landscape of the Hims

The climate in Hims is temperate.  Therefore, Hims has long been a major source of agricultural development in Syria.  The presence of the Orient River largely made Hims capital, while he was a leader in the production and overseas marketing of wheat, corn, millet, cotton, fruits, and vegetables.  The Orantus River, formerly known as the Aussie River, originates in Lebanon and flows through the heart of Syria into the Mediterranean Sea. The empire conquered by Hims was particularly focused on the products of the Himalayas.  Similarly, Hims made artistic, economic, and cultural achievements during the Roman Empire.

Religions and beliefs in Hims

 Hims is a city steeped in religious diversity.  Although there are Muslim, Sunni, Christian, Alawite, Syrian Orthodox, and Greek Orthodox communities living there, the proclamation of the Mohammedan sect was heard very quickly as the soil was suitable for religious observance.  The unspeakable movements and social transformations that Islam has brought about in the inhabitants of Hims, who are known for their beauty and body humor, are unparalleled.  The influence of this holy religion was deeply ingrained in Him Sukar.

Khalid bin Waleed (ra)

 Born in Makkah, Khalid ibn Waleed was a leading figure in the Islamic movement in Iraq.  He is a part of it.  In 636 he took control of Hims and Samskus.  Khalid ibn Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) entered the battle of Yarmouk after defeating Heraclius' Byzantine army of one lakh.  Milhan ibn Sayyan (may Allah be pleased with him) took the helm of the rule of Hims along with Khalid ibn Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) who had embarked on Islamic charity and propaganda.  When Abu Ubaidah (may Allah be pleased with him) took over Damascus on the instructions of the second caliph, 'Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), Khalid ibn Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) was entrusted with the task of governing Dumas.  Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: About 500 of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to Hos with Ibn Waleed.  It is said that they were about 400 Companions of the Bani Salim tribe. (Raul Mukhtar / 199)

Islam in Hims;  History

 When the Muslims reached Hims with the soft sounds of takbeer and tahlil, the people there sought peace treaties.  They made peace with one hundred and seventy thousand dinars.

 Waqidi (may Allah be pleased with him) said: When the Muslims from the Damascus side captured Hims, the common people there were frightened.  For fearlessness, the Muslims handed over the property they owned.  The Muslims settled in large numbers on the banks of the Orantus River.

 Simdu ibn Azwad (ra), a Kindi, was also a member of the Muslim occupation group.  Abu Ubaidah (may Allah be pleased with him) handed over Yassid ibn Abu Sufyan as his successor in Damascus and returned to Hims.  He entered Hims and was reconciled by the people there.  Their request was to provide protection and security for their bodies, property, images and places of worship in the city.  But Simdu ibn Aswad (may Allah be pleased with him) had already made peace with them and divided the territories of Hims among the Muslims.

 The first child born to a Muslim in Hims was Adham ibn Muhris (ra).  He was a perfect devotee and a brave man: - Sifin fought with my mother Mu'awiyah (ra) and was martyred as a heroic woman.  Because of that I love having a red camel donate wages.

 Hims has passed through a large network of scholars and saints.  Most of them have been the driving force behind the intellectual renaissance there.  One of them was Muhammad ibn Awf (ra).

 Samadubnu Saeed (ra) records.  I heard Muhammad of (ra) say: - I was playing ball in the courtyard of the mosque.  The ball accidentally entered the mosque and fell on Mu'afu ibn Imran, the Imam.  When I went to catch it, he said to me: - Oh young man ..!  Whose son are you?  I replied: - He is the son of Oph.  He asked: - Sufyan's son Ufo ..?  I slowly answered yes.  He advised: - Your father and I were friends.  He was one of those who co-wrote Hadith and other scholars with me.  Have you not followed their way?

 I immediately went to my mother and described the incident.  Umma said: - True, he is your uncle's friend.  Then Umma put on my salt clothes and belt.  I went to Mu'afu ibn Imran with a pen and ink stick.  He said: You can write.

 The scholar of hadith Abu Zakariya (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Ibn Awf is the most knowledgeable scholar of violence in hadith.  'Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allah be pleased with him) said: There has never been a person like Muhammad ibn Auf in Sham for forty years. (Mujmool Buldhan / 349).

Hims;  Favorite land of world travelers

 Ibn Waleed, once the center of world travelers, had an indescribable urban charm.  Crowded shopping malls, skyscrapers and ancient places of worship add to the beauty of Hims.  A Himsi poet sings: "Hims! You are like the full moon. I am fascinated by its form. Your people are like the night after the full moon."

Hims;  A land of confluence of cultures

 Some cultural areas still proclaim the uniqueness of Hims.  Orantus River, the lifeblood of the city of Khalidiyah, Aha House in Bustan, Ali's View Bungalow, Zahrawi's Palace, Mosque of Basha Mustafa Hasani, Mosque of the Seven Hundred and Fifty Years of Islamic Civilization, Umm Sinar Mosque  The most important of these are the Banu Umayyah Palace, the city of Khadish, the Urnia Library, and Hamas Qubba.

 Hims attracted tourists with its specially decorated carvings, architectural monuments and paintings.  From the door of the great church in Hims to the nearby mountain there is a large collection of pictorial inscriptions.  The top of the rock was painted with a human figure and the bottom with a scorpion.  But with the advent of Islam it was erased.

Major Islamic tombs in Hims

 The house and tomb of Bin Waleed, the mighty warrior who conquered Hims, are in this title.  Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said about him, known as Saifullah: There is no mother in this world who gave birth to a brave man like Khalid ibn Waleed.  The great ones who tasted the poison but did not suffer any physical hardships died in 642 AH.  The plaque on the Khalidiya Mosque reads: - This is the Masjid of the famous friend Khalid.  The mosque of our Guru Khalid ibn Waleed was built in 1237 AD by Sultan Al Zaheer.  AD.  In 1318, Sultan Abdul Hameed II demolished the old building and rebuilt it.  Its work was completed in AD 1908 by the efforts of virtuous people since the arrival of Rasul's friend.  God bless him, his family and his friends .

 The tomb of Khalid ibn Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) has the grave of Chare Iyal (may Allah be pleased with him).  He was the one who brought the small Mediterranean islands to the forefront of Islam.  There is the grave of Khalid's wife and son.  It is said that there is a tomb of 'Abdullah ibn' Umar.  It is claimed that the body of Abdullah ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) who died in the battle of Sifin was later moved to Hims.  The tombs of many great and Sufi saints are located in this holy city, including Khalid ibn Yaseed, the court sculptor of Hims, Mihran, the slave of the Prophet, and Khanbar, the slave of Ali.

Hims today

 Today, Hims boasts of being Syria's great industrial center and agricultural university, but before the contemporary world, Hims was a riotous land.  There are wounded people and bloodied streets.  Numerous clashes between pro-Assad forces and civilians have not ended since 2011.  Despite pro-people protests and hartals against the government, the Assad regime has sought to suppress provocateurs as much as possible.  Many were killed in riots between civilians and civilians.  Many fled to other places.

 Before the Civil War, the population of Hims was estimated at 1.5 million.  Their number is not clear in the current situation.  This is because of the civil wars in Syria.  A large number of them are subject to forced deportation.


 Although the rituals and moral revolutions of Islam have become very popular on the shores of the Himalayas, most of the basic stones and symbols of the religion are still extinct.  Although the Khalidiya Mosque was damaged in the 2013 riots, there has been no loss of faith.  A large section of the population is confined to the realms of faith.  In the land of sweets, in the land of fearlessness, they are waiting in the hope that another warrior for truth and morality will rise.


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