Women in Islam - Women's role in Islamic society and Gender Equality in islam

Women in islam

Islam has given a definite importance to
women in Islam in the social sphere.  Women in Islam are never marginalized.  The woman in Islam is entitled to her due rights at various stages of life.  Islam teaches the same view.

Holy Islam is a religion that gives women due prominence in the social sphere.  But the propaganda in our countries is the opposite.  In today's article, we will discuss the topic of "Women in Islam:  Women's role in Islamic society and Gender Equality in islam" This article focuses on the rights and privileges of women in Islam.Let us move on to the subject

Women in Islam:  Daughter in Islam

In pre-Islamic Arabia, there was a forest system of burying a baby girl alive.  These were confirmed by the Qur'an. (Qur'an, 81: 8-9) The Qur'an rebukes fathers who are upset when they are informed of the birth of a baby girl: "If any one of them finds out about the birth of a baby girl, his face will be ashamed and he will be ashamed."  He is contemplating whether to raise it with humiliation or to bury it in the ground. See how evil is their decision!"

 Islam teaches that parents have a responsibility to protect their daughters and to show them mercy and justice.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A man does not bury his daughter alive or humiliate her;  He does not show partiality towards his son.  Then God will take him to heaven.  "(Ahmad)." If anyone protects his two daughters until they reach the age of majority, this is how he and I will come on the Day of Judgment. "  "(The two fingers of the Holy Prophet were pointed together.) (Ahmad)

In the care of girls, education is a crucial factor that profoundly affects their future, and education is not only a right but also a responsibility.  This applies to both men and women.  The Prophet said:
 "It is the duty of every Muslim to seek knowledge" (Bayhaqi, Ibn Majah).  The term "Muslim" here means both men and women.
Wife: From an Islamic point of view

The basis of Islamic marriage is not just the fulfillment of sexual desire;  On the contrary, man and woman coexist in peace, love and compassion.  The Qur'an states;  "One of His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, and that you may have peace and tranquility among yourselves.  Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.  Of course.  "(Qur'an 30:21)" (God) is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and He created for you mates from yourselves. Thus He created mates for you (in the earth), and there is none like Him.  )

Women in Islam: Marriage and divorce in islam

Women have the freedom to accept or reject marriage proposals.  Islam teaches that a woman's consent is required for a marriage contract to be valid. That is, if "fixed marriage" means marrying a woman without her consent, then that marriage is not valid from an Islamic point of view;  She can override it if she thinks.  Ibn 'Abbas, one of the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), describes the position of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in this regard:  Then the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) gave her the right to accept or reject the marriage "(Ahmad)

In one version of this narrative, the girl said: "In fact, I approve of this marriage. But I want women to know that their parents have no right to impose their husbands on women."  (Ibn Majah) The husband is responsible for providing sustenance and protection for his wife and children, and for leading the family on the basis of consultation and love.  This does not mean that one should be obedient to the other, the husband's leadership is only a natural reflection of the interaction and complementarity between the husband and wife, and the Prophet helped the wives with household chores in the midst of heavy responsibilities and problems!  “Mothers should breastfeed their babies completely for two years;  If he intends to complete the (infant) breastfeeding, the father is obliged to provide those mothers with reasonable food and clothing during that period.  But do not force anyone to give more than he can afford.  No mother should be abused in the name of her child.  No father should be abused in the name of his own child.  (In the absence of the father, his heirs have similar obligations, and if both parties intend to wean each other by mutual consent, then there is nothing wrong with that. Fear God.  And know that God sees what you do. "(Qur'an 2: 233)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) emphasized the need to be kind to women.  He said on one occasion.  "I command you to be kind to women." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: O you who believe, you are not permitted to rape women.  And do not pressure them to take away part of the value of the marriage you have given them, unless they commit some obvious misdeed.  You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.  But if you hate them, then perhaps God has ordained for you many good things in which you hate. "(Qur'an 4:19)
When husbands and wives quarrel with each other, the Qur'an commands that disputes between them should be settled fairly and honestly without anyone knowing.  Islam does not allow violence or physical abuse in the family for any reason.  But Islam only allows the husband to gently beat his wife, as a last resort, if divorce is the only way out.  The blow should be such that it does not injure or even scar the body.  This step may help to convince the wife of the seriousness of her unjust change.  Don't take even the slightest step when it comes to keeping a marriage intact.  The Qur'an prescribes enlightened steps and prudent approaches for husbands and wives to resolve the ongoing quarrels and conflicts in marriage.  The Qur'an advises that if they are unable to resolve disputes themselves, their families should intervene and resolve the issue.

The Qur'an (4:19) advises that if there is a difference of opinion or quarrel between the husband and wife, they should treat their wife kindly and not ignore her good qualities.  If the wife's misbehavior is the cause of the quarrel, the husband can counsel and benefit her, and if this does not resolve the matter, he may not share the bedroom with her - this is another peaceful way for the husband to express his displeasure.  But if the wife persists in her misbehavior and neglects her marital obligations to her husband, the husband can take another option instead of divorce.  That is, the wife is gently beaten.  This is not a punishment;  Just symbolic.  In this connection, the following verse of the Qur'an says, "Men are the leaders and responsible women."  This is because God has given more power to one group than to the other, and men spend their wealth.

Divorce is the last resort;  Look for that way only if there is no alternative.  Islam does not encourage divorce but only allows it.  This is because Islam emphasizes the protection of religious rights, not the well-being of the individual.  There are many forms of divorce.

Husbands and wives can legally separate if their spouse violates any of the provisions of the marriage contract.
  1.  The husband can exclude his wife if there is a valid reason.
  2.  The wife can seek a divorce if stipulated in the marriage contract.
  3.  The wife can get a divorce through the court if there is a valid reason.
  4. The wife can seek a divorce without a valid 'cause'. If she returns her share of the husband's property, the dowry paid by her husband at the time of marriage, and other gifts.  This last form is called 'Khul'.
  5. Parenting of children (up to the age of seven) is in the hands of the mother.  Children can then choose their own mother or father.  Parental issues should be addressed with equal emphasis on the best interests of the parents and the well-being of the child.

Women in islam: Polygamy in Islam

 Western literature and the media constantly propagate that polygamy is practiced, or that polygamy is a fundamental law of Islam.  The Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet do not explicitly state that monogamy or polygamy is the ideal of Islam;  Although demographic data suggests that monogamy is legal and that polygamy is an exception, the proportion of women in most countries and globally remains the same, although the number of women is slightly higher.  So polygamy is not a law.  This is because it requires a population structure of 80% women and 20% men (if the law is four women per man).  This, in turn, is virtually impossible.  No law in the Qur'an is based on an impractical concept.  The Qur'an is revealed by God, the Creator of men and women.  He created man and woman to be almost equal in number.  This is his law of the material world.  Material laws must be in harmony with God's own social laws.  So as a universal law, monogamy is practical;  Polygamy is an exception.  Islam did not forbid polygamy, as other nations and religions did;  It has only been controlled and limited.  From an Islamic point of view polygamy is neither necessary nor desirable;  Only permissible as it is not prohibited.  Edward Westermer cites many examples of the need to allow polygamy between Jews and Christians.

"There is only one verse in the Qur'an that explicitly mentions polygamy - (4: 3).  In part, this indicates that the purpose for which polygamy is still allowed is to meet the personal and social needs that may arise in future special cases (for example, the disparity in the number of men and women due to war).  It is a practical and ethical solution to problems  Islam allows polygamy.  “If you fear that you will not do justice to the orphans, marry two or three or four of the women you love.  But if justice is not done between them, then marry only one woman.  (Qur'an 4: 3) It is important to note that polygamy is a subject on which men and women are equally free to choose.  Men have the freedom to be single.  A woman who does not want to be a second wife is also free to refuse marriage proposal.  The marriage contract stipulates that the fianc must have a single wife. 
 Once this condition is mutually agreed upon, the husband is obliged to remain single.  If he violates this, the first wife will have the right to demand a divorce with all financial rights.  However, in the absence of such a provision, the husband can adopt a second wife, but the first wife can seek a divorce - in the form of qulin.  The Qur'an naturally does not allow polygamy.  This system seems to be extremely rare in anthropology.  In a polygamous system, a number of complex issues arise related to the proper establishment of paternity and inheritance of children.  Paternity and inheritance are paramount in Islamic law.  In the polygamous system, the problem of not recognizing the fathers of the children does not arise.  Everyone has the same Father;  Everyone will recognize their own mother.  But in polygamy, children can only accurately identify their own mother;  The father may be one of the many 'husbands' of the mother.
It is in this context that inheritance issues arise.  Which of the 'children' of the 'father' who dies will inherit?

Women in islam: Mother in islam

The Qur'an exalts the expression of mercy towards parents (especially mothers) right next to the worship of God.  “The Lord God has decreed.  You must worship Him alone.  And show mercy to your parents.  If one or both of them grow old with you, do not say a word of disgust to them;  And do not shout at them.  Speak to them politely (only).  "(Qur'an 17:23)" And We have enjoined on man concerning his parents, that his mother conceived him, and bore him crippled after infirmity, and breastfed him for two years. (Thanks to me) and to the parents. (O man, you will return to me). "(Qur'an 31:14)  ) The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) specifically instructed his followers to do good to their parents and to treat them kindly. He once gave his mother a unique privilege.  He asked: "Then who?" The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Then who is he?" The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) repeated: "Your mother?" Finally he said:  "Your father"

According to the words of the Prophet, women are the sisters of men ('shaqa'iq').  This is an important statement that directly addresses human equality between men and women.  The Arabic word "shaqa'iq" means half of society and half of women, and the question of whether one half is better or greater than the other does not arise.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to warn people that they were good. "I command you to have mercy on women," he said.

Women in islam: Women in the social sphere

There is a gap between the ideal of treatment of women portrayed in the Qur'an and the prevailing reality among Muslims;  Equally in the societies of the Muslim world and in the Muslim communities of the Western world.  Their cultural habits reflect both aspects of this phenomenon in the unrestricted West and some of the most restricted Muslim areas.  Some Muslims imitate un-Islamic cultures, vulgar costumes, and unbridled gender bias.  This affects their behavior and endangers the Islamic character and integrity of families.  On the contrary, some people think that the ideal culture is to impose inappropriate and extreme restrictions on women and to exclude them from public life.

 It goes without saying that these two extremes clash with the basic tenets of Islam.  This is because the culture of men and women in the society of the time of the Holy Prophet was a combination of morality and participation.  The Qur'an and the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) believed that there were righteous intentions behind such restrictions on men and women.  The interpretations to some extent reflect the cultural influences and circumstances of the various Muslim countries, and there is nothing in the Islamic scriptures that restricts women from public activities.  Not only that, he was actively involved in studies, teaching, debt market issues, discussions on public issues, and, if necessary, wars.


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