Women in Islam - The Economic Aspect and Gender Equality

Women in islam

his article discusses the economic rights of women in Islam.  The woman in Islam is never oppressed, instead Islam gives her the right rights.  At the same time, there are some things that are denied to women in Islam.  We discusses the reality behind it today.

Women in Islam: Property rights of women in Islam

According to the worldview of Islam, everything in this universe ultimately belongs to God: “Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to God.  (Qur'an 2: 284) Therefore, God is the true owner of wealth and resources.  But by His great mercy He created mankind and entrusted them with the administration of the earth.  Moreover, He has made the whole universe useful to mankind in helping them to fulfill this obligation: "And Allah has made subservient to you all that is in the heavens and the earth. (waytoislam.online) Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought" (Qur'an 45:13).

In this verse, Allah is addressing the human race.  Mankind includes both men and women.  Therefore, the right to stewardship and ownership comes equally to men and women.  .

Islamic Sharia (jurisprudence) gives women full property rights.  Before and after marriage, a woman has a right to her property.  She also has the right to buy, sell and lease property.  This is why Muslim women retain their family names even after marriage.  This proves that the property rights given to women by Islam are free and legally self-existent.
Compare this with the laws of Europe: thirteen centuries after Islam, this (right nowhere else in Europe) legislation has been in place in Britain since the Married Wommen's Property Act of 1870, which allows married, unmarried, widowed and divorced persons  Acquired the right to contract. "(Encyclopedia Britannica 1968, Volume 23, (p. 624).

Women in Islam: Financial security and inheritance for women  in islam

Islam guarantees financial security for women.  She can accept as many wedding gifts as she wants.  After marriage, he can keep his property and income for his own security.  She has no obligation to spend for the family from her property or income.  But in special cases, if the husband is ill, disabled, or unemployed, it is another matter for the wife to be obligated to pay for the family's necessities.  This, in turn, is not a legal obligation.  Although this is necessary to maintain mutual attention and love between family members. Not only in marriage, but also in the period of divorce.(This period is usually three months if the pregnancy lasts until childbirth. Widows have to wait for 130 days, and divorce is not required before intercourse between the husband and wife. A woman can remarry at any time after the divorce.) (Qur'an 31:49)

Even if the husband dies, the woman should have full financial protection.  Scholars are of the opinion that divorcees and widows are entitled to alimony for remarriage within one year - or within one year.

  The child born out of wedlock also needs protection from the child's father.  In short, a Muslim woman is protected at all stages of her life - as a daughter, wife, mother and sister.

Women get some financial benefits that men do not get through marriage and family protection.  As a social representation of these benefits, the law of inheritance in Islam has often stipulated a doubling of the share of women to men.  It is true that men get more.  But he also has the responsibility of caring for the women in the family - his wife, children, mother and sisters.  On the contrary, a woman has the right to keep her share, even if it is less than that of a man.  She is not legally obligated to spend even on her own necessities, such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care.  In pre-Islamic Arab society, women were sometimes an inheritance:
"o (waytoislam.online) you who believe, you are not permitted to inherit women by force." (Qur'an 4:19)

Even after the advent of Islam, in some western countries the custom of giving the entire property of the deceased to the eldest son continued.  However, the Qur'an declares that the sati and the man are equally entitled to a certain share of the inheritance of the deceased's parents and close relatives: "Men have a share in the property left by the parents and close relatives."  Women also have a share in the property left by their parents and close relatives.  (Property) Less or more, a fixed share (both parties have).  "(Qur'an 4: 7)

Women in Islam: Does Islam allow women to go to work?

  Islam recognizes the right of women to work.  But the first and foremost thing to think about here is the fact that Islam places the utmost sanctity and paramount importance on the place of women in society as mothers and wives.  Only a mother can bring up her baby in a healthy mental and pious manner.  Neither the maids nor the ayas can take over this motherly position of the Guru.  It is utterly unjust to see this noble and vital motherhood as merely “lazy” shaping the future of human society.
 It is in this context that the consent of the husband is required if the wife wants to go out and work, unless her right to work is specifically contracted at the time of marriage.  However, the woman can go out and work if necessary.  There is no ruling in Islam that forbids this.  Such occupations include healthcare, teaching, treatment, aid work, and social work, especially if they are natural and essential for women.  After all, there are no legal restrictions on the use of women's abilities in any field.  According to the early jurists Abu Hanifa and Tibari, a qualified Muslim woman could be appointed as a judge.  There may be lawyers who disagree with this.  However, there is no clear citation from the Qur'an or the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that precludes a woman from doing permissible work;  Except in the case of national leadership (this issue is discussed in the next article).  The second caliph, Omar Umm Shifa bint Abdullah, was appointed to oversee the shops and markets.  Divorced and widowed women may be forced to work for a living, even though Muslim women in Muslim minority countries recognize their first and foremost position as mothers.  In particular, in the absence of the Islamic financial security systems.


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